Combined anesthesia effect of pentobarbital peritoneal cavities injection and lidocaine retrobulbar injection in rat penetrating keratoplasty 大鼠角膜移植戊巴比妥腹腔注射联用利多卡因球后注射麻醉的效果
AIM: To explore a new oxygen therapy, peritoneal injection with oxygen ( PI O2), to increase the arterial partial pressure of oxygen ( PaO2) and oxygen saturation ( SaO2) in rabbits with hypotonic hypoxia. 目的:研究一种新的氧疗方法:经腹膜腔保留注氧以提高低张性缺氧的动物动脉血氧分压(PaO2)和氧饱和度(SaO2)。
Methods: Streptococcal infective mice models were established by nasal perfusing with streptococcus pneumoniae. Twenty-four mice were divided into three groups randomly: control group, streptococcal infection group ( SI), streptococcal infection+ exogenous IL-18 peritoneal injection group. 方法:经鼻灌注肺炎链球菌诱导并建立小鼠肺炎链球菌肺炎模型,将实验小鼠分3组:正常对照组、感染组、感染加IL-18干预组。
Methods: Mice sepsis models were established through cecum ligation and perforation. Mice were divided into sham-operation, sepsis, leptin-protection ( peritoneal injection of 0.1mg/kg Leptin) and indomethacin-protection ( peritoneal injection of 2 mg/ mg indomethacin) groups. 方法:建立小鼠盲肠结扎致脓毒症模型,设立假手术组、脓毒症组、Leptin保护组(腹腔内注射0.1mg/kgLeptin)和消炎痛(吲哚美辛)保护组(腹腔内注射2mg/kg消炎痛)。
Objective To establish an animal model of refractory epilepsy by peritoneal injection of phenytoin sodium ( PHT) and phenobarbital sodium ( PB), and investigate into their multidrug resistance mechanism in kindling rats. 目的探索性应用苯妥英钠(PHT)、苯巴比妥钠(PB)诱导建立难治性癫疒间动物模型,并研究其多药耐药机制。
Objective: To evaluate the effect of successive peritoneal injection for acute pelvic infection treatment. 目的研究连续腹腔注射治疗急性盒腔炎的疗效。
The tail artery blooding time was also determined using another 20 rats receiving 10 mg/ kg × 3d given by peritoneal injection. 同时用小鼠20只,腹腔注射MCA10mg/kg共3d,测定其尾动脉出血时间。
Haemin group: Except the same dispose of model group, the rats were treated with haemin before the rat models were made for 9 times ( 30 mol/ kg, peritoneal injection, 3 times a day). 氯化血红素组:除给予模型组同样的处理外,于造模前注射氯化血红素9次(30mol/kg,腹膜注射,3次/d)。
METHODS: The liver fibrosis model was established by peritoneal injection of DMN ( at a dose of 10 mg · kg~ (-1), 3 times · wk~ (-1), for 4 wk) in rats. 方法:采用DMN10μg·kg~(-1)腹腔注射,每周3次,连续4wk的方法制作大鼠肝纤维化模型。
Effect of peritoneal injection of γ il 2 on IL 6, il 12, no and endotoxin in primary hepatic carcinoma 腹腔注射γIL-2对原发性肝癌腹水及血清IL-6IL-12NO内毒素的作用
Distribution of soyasaponin in brain and peripheral tissue after peritoneal injection 腹腔注射大豆皂甙在脑和外周组织中的分布
Experiments of bone-marrow polychromophil erythrocyte ( PCE) micronucleus and chromosome aberration were made with the method of injecting sodium glutamate into peritoneal cavity of rats. Also teratological test was conducted through peritoneal injection in pregnant rats. 给小鼠腹腔注射谷氨酸钠后,进行骨髓嗜多染红细胞(PCE)微核实验、骨髓细胞染色体检查,以观察谷氨酸钠的毒性作用,同时还进行了致畸实验。
Diabetes mellitus mice were induced by alloxan and drugs were administrated by intra-peritoneal injection for 12 d. 腹膜注射200mg/kg四氧嘧啶造小鼠糖尿病模型,腹膜注射给药12d。
Conclusion It is feasible to make the animal model of refractory epilepsy by peritoneal injection of large dose of PHT and PB in kindled rats. 结论应用较大剂量PHT和PB诱导点燃大鼠制作难治性癫疒间的动物模型,方法可行。
Effect of peritoneal injection with oxygen on arterial partial pressure of oxygen and oxygen saturation in experimental rabbits with hypotonic hypoxia 腹腔保留注氧对低张性缺氧家兔动脉血氧分压和氧饱和度的影响
The female Wistar rats were induced with benzoic acid estradiol by peritoneal injection. 通过对实验组大鼠腹腔注射苯甲酸雌二醇建立垂体腺瘤大鼠模型。
Seventy eight SD rats were divided into 3 groups: sham operation group, ASP group, and treated group, with peritoneal injection with EGb in a dose of 20 mg/ kg. 方法:78只SD大鼠随机分为3组:假手术(SO)组、ASP组和EGb治疗组。治疗组大鼠在ASP诱发后经腹腔内注射EGb20mgkg;
Results S.aureus DNA could inhibit the tumor growth by peritoneal injection, increase the serum IFN-γ level and regulate the serum TNF-α level in the nude mice carrying transplant tumor. 结果S.aureusDNA腹腔注射给药可抑制肿瘤生长,提高荷瘤裸鼠血清内IFN-γ含量,调节其TNF-α的水平。
Methods The SD rat model of Huntington's disease was established by peritoneal injection of 3 nitropropionic acid, the mitochondrial respiratory chain complex ⅱ/ ⅲ inhibitor, 20 mg/ kg, once every other day, successively for 20 days. 方法用线粒体呼吸链复合体Ⅱ/Ⅲ抑制剂&3-硝基丙酸(3nitropropionicacid,3NPA)20mg/kg对SD大鼠隔日腹腔注射连续造模20d,建立HD大鼠模型。
The rat model was made by MCT peritoneal injection. The mean pulmonary arterial pressure ( mPAP) and the mean right ventricular pressure ( mRVP) were measured. Thromboxane B_2 ( TXB_2) and 6-keto-prostaglandin Fia ( 6-K-PGFia) were determined by RIA method. 采用腹腔注射MCT的方法制作动物模型,测定其平均肺动脉压和平均右心室压,采用放射免疫法进行血浆中血栓烷素B2(TXB2)、6酮前列腺素Fia(6KPGFia)测定。
Better animal model for liver injury was tried to develop in this research. Peritoneal injection of DMN at single time was conducted for modeling liver injury. Then the model was used for evaluation of the liver protection effects of a Chinese herb. 本研究试图寻找更为理想的肝损伤模型,用二甲基亚硝胺一次性腹腔注射造成肝损伤模型,并用于评价中药的护肝效果。